Thanksgiving means eating to the point your pants no longer fit... and then going for seconds. It means watching football all day long as you recover from your overindulgence. It means watching the Cowboys lose once again in what seems to be an annual tradition. It means spending time with your family. It means shopping online for things you don't need during the (why is it still called) Black Friday sales. But what it really means is that you should be thankful you can do any of this at all.
We kept the family tradition going with spending time with my in-laws for Thanksgiving lunch at Lynn's grandparents' house. Why do I always forget but if the weather outside is hot, then it's going to be exponentially hot inside the house. No A/C? And with only one TV in the house, don't expect to watch any football. The elders (or just grandpa) are busy watching DVDs of Paris by Night that's running nonstop. Oh well.
Then in the evening, we had Thanksgiving dinner at our house with my family. This year's been so hectic that I figured I'd order a turkey instead (making my life a little easier). I got a smoked turkey from the soon-to-be-world-famous Killen's BBQ. The taste was good but a bit too dry.
And I had to shop the Black Friday deals... all online of course because navigating through traffic and people during the holidays is for suckers. I went a little bonkers this year though. :(
Prom: Nic and Jordy
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3 months ago
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