Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Jacob is joining the band

Next year Jacob is starting junior high (oh, how time flies) and as he preps for the new school, he needed to select an elective. Out of the limited choices, he chose to do band. But which instrument will he play? So last weekend, we visited the school so that Jacob could meet with the music director and make that decision.

Jacob's first choice was the trumpet but as the music director put it, "He's got really full lips" and had trouble blowing into the small mouthpiece. So he went with a bigger mouthpiece and had no problem. Cool. But what instrument does it go with? The tuba. Yikes. It's so freakin' big! Ok, let's keep going. The trombone was out of the question due to his short arms. So then he tested Jacob's finger dexterity for the wind instruments and well, he wasn't cut out for them either. And just like that the choice was made, he's going to be a tuba player.

Jacob blows (what sounds like fart sounds) and the other boys laugh uncontrollably.


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  1. Edwin and Lilly said... May 10, 2017 at 8:00 PM

    hahaha... love it! Tuba player! When he grows up one day and becomes a famous Tuba player, he can always look back with fondness and say... and this was how it all began. =)

  2. JT said... May 11, 2017 at 8:32 AM

    There are famous pianist and even famous cellist but who's ever heard of a famous tuba player? You're so silly Lilly. (whoa, that rhymes)

  3. Edwin and Lilly said... May 11, 2017 at 8:07 PM

    muahahaha.... =)

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