Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Halloween 2020

Do you know who/what we are?

Halloween this year was eh... but that's because we're in the era of COVID. Ugh, I'm ready for things to get back to normal... I'm starting to hate the phrase "new normal"... I don't like the new normal... I want the old normal... normal normal. But I digress, initially we had planned to have only a few people over but Jacob didn't feel well that morning (fever, chills) so we called it off, not wanting to risk getting anyone else sick. 

Treat or treating was awkward and unusual. The typical rule is to only approach houses with their porch lights on. But during these times, do you even ring the doorbell? Do the adults want kids breaking the 6 feet distance to pass out candy? I don't know. Unless it was obvious (houses that had candy laid out from a distance) we didn't approach them, even if they had their porch lights on. That didn't leave many houses around our neighborhood but really, the kids didn't need much to be satisfied.

Kid astronaut. 

Midas (Fortnite).

Agent Peely and Midas (Fortnite).

Sloth and astronaut sloth?

Yes, astronaut sloth.

A sloth in its true habitat, a tree.

Hungry sloth.

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