Monday, July 1, 2013


Crappy cell phone picture update

I'm feeling dreadfully lazy but in order to keep up with my own commitment of updating at least once a week, here's a shitty update. The weekend was full of pool action, beer drinking, and eating with family and friends but unfortunately there were no pictures of that. So here is a glimpse of a few random pictures that I did take from my cell phone. Enjoy.

Riding in Critical Mass on Friday night.

Flowers for my mom on her actual birthday.

Who needs cronuts from New York when you have dosants in Pearland.

This will happen with an unsupervised Tyson running loose.

An exhausted Ty after a day of mayhem and destruction.

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  1. Anonymous said... July 7, 2013 at 8:41 AM

    Love the pic of Tyson crashing!

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