Wednesday, January 29, 2014



The Icepocalypse, or ice apocalypse, or The Ice Storm, or whatever you want to call it first came to Texas last Friday. At the first sign of a possible freeze, people in Houston panic and go, "Oh, hellll nah. There be ice on mah car. Ain't no body got time for that. I gots to stay home." Maybe it didn't happen exactly like that but close enough. The city panics. The news is running non-stop winter freeze coverage. They shut down schools and major bridges so I stayed home Friday with the kids. No big deal. That was until the Icepocalypse II came yesterday.

It's going to jump up to 75° in a couple days... only in Houston.

Only in Houston can the weather fluctuate from hot as shit to cold as fuck...

What the hell. I just rode my bike with my buddies on Sunday wearing a sleeveless shirt. Only in Houston can the weather fluctuate from hot as shit to cold as fuck in a matter of days. But people here can't handle "the cold". A little sleet and let's shut everything down. And schools were closed once again. Don't they know I have to work in Beaumont this week? And I can't stay home again.

Essentially parked on the feeder road since I-10 is closed. It looks fine to me!

Damn that drive was miserable but not because of the weather but because of the road closures... in Beaumont... the day after. Ugh. At least the people in Houston un-panicked the day after (especially since the second ice storm was uneventful) but these Beaumont people are still terrified. Schools are still closed. I hate you Beaumont. Oh, and I hate you too Baytown... just because you suck.

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