Thursday, May 28, 2015

Our Memorial Day weekend began on Friday since the kids didn't have school and I took the day off. What was already an extended weekend became even longer after the torrential rain and flooding on Tuesday (no work for me). So the normally 3 day holiday weekend became an extended 5 day weekend, albeit we couldn't do anything on that flood day. But overall the weekend was fun and relaxing. We did manage to get some swimming in. Steaks were grilled. Watched a couple of Rockets playoff games. Did a lot of shopping (sales!). And of course, we went out to eat a lot and my pseudo-diet was nonexistent.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

2015 Nissan Pathfinder

Sunday, May 17, 2015

On a random Wednesday night, we went to see the Astros play the defending World Series champion, the San Francisco Giants. It's been three years since we last went to a baseball game so I was pretty stoked to go to a game this year. Are people still saying "stoked"? And the Astros are pretty good this year (currently first place in the AL West). Let's get on the bandwagon!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

This was a busy and fun weekend. On Saturday we were out literally all day. It began with the boys soccer games, which started at 9 am. After their games finished (noon), we went out to eat cafeteria food a.k.a. Luby's (kids eat free all day Saturday!). Not counting recently, I think the last I went to Luby's was when Jacob was still a baby (roughly eight years ago) but this is the second week in a row that we've been. Weird cafeteria food craving, I guess.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Jacob vs. a snake
I've been a little busy and feeling extremely lazy so here are some random cell phone pictures from the past month. And since cell phone pictures all look like crap, I used a bunch of filters and effects to make them less crappy. Enjoy.