Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Dad's 70th birthday (Galveston, TX)

To celebrate my dad's milestone birthday, we got a waterfront house for the weekend so he can do what he enjoys most... fishing. But with what would eventually become Hurricane Barry approaching, I was close to canceling the trip. Can't really fish with a storm barreling in. But on the final day to cancel (without losing tons of money), we decided to keep the reservation. And it paid off. It didn't even rain in Galveston except for a few spotty light sprinkles. My dad thoroughly enjoyed fishing and so did the kids (especially Andrew).

A storm is coming...

Elliot and grandpa fishing.

Jacob caught the most fish on the first day.

My dad fishing early morning.

I'm barely awake and these boys already caught fish.

Night fishing.

Their catch for that night.

70 years old!

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