Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Labor(ious) Day weekend

This past holiday weekend was meant to be free of work, to just relax and do nothing, but unfortunately that did not happen. Thursday evening baby Ty spiked a fever. No big deal. Then all day Friday he was still feverish. I loaded him up with Tylenol and Advil and saw little relief. Saturday the fever still raged (102-104F) so it was time to see the doctor. His lungs were clear, no ear infection, throat swab was negative and he had no other symptoms. What could it be? By Sunday afternoon his temperature had finally come down and he was back to his joyful self so at least the weekend wasn't totally ruined.

We spent Labor Day, as the kids would say, at Collin's house. It's easy to tell if they had a good time because they will not want to go home. But if it comes to the point of crying, it must mean they had a great time. And that they did.

Boys only.

So it's now Tuesday and Tyson began to show pink/red splotches all over his body. The mysterious illness is roseola. At least the rash doesn't bother him and he's not fussy anymore, well not more than usual. He just looks... different.

Still smiling... polka dotted face and all.

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