Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day weekend

A busy weekend. Saturday was Jacob's last scheduled soccer game, which was a make-up game for a previous rain-out. Unfortunately the opposing team didn't get the memo (or misread it, who knows) and only one player showed up. What a shitty way to end the season. So Jacob's team won by default, making it their only win of the season. Eh, I'll take it. A win's a win.

Later that night my friend Lisa, who I've known since elementary school, got married. The reception was at Kim Son (typical Asian fare) but their band was anything but typical. They got The Spazmatics! So awesome... it was like a free concert.

Sunday we spent the day at the park for Jackson's first birthday party. It was hot but quite nice in the shade.

For Memorial Day, I was grilling burgers and hot dogs... and drinking. Just hanging out... it was relaxing.

The various brews we drank.

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  1. tram said... June 1, 2013 at 3:22 PM

    Hi Jimmy - I just sent you an email about your possible trip to southern cali this August....not sure if I sent to the right email address, so reply back so I know that you got it....so EXCITED!!!

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