Saturday, August 24, 2013


Fantasy life (College Station, TX)

It's not what you think... it's the title of Matthew Berry's new book Fantasy Life. Unless you're a hardcore fantasy football player, you probably don't know who he is. If that's the case, it's probably likely you don't know what fantasy football is either. He's a writer for ESPN who specializes in all things fantasy related but that's not why I like him. He's a funny guy. I love his writing style, which makes reading boring stats enjoyable.

So he's currently doing a book tour and in Texas he's going to Dallas, Austin and College Station. College Station?? Over Houston? Damn. So yesterday I drove up to College Station (dragging Lynn along) and at the book event you soon found out why it was held in Aggieland. He was raised there! His mom is the mayor. His dad is a professor at A&M. I'm sure that's more than you ever wanted to know of a person you never heard of but I thought that was neat.

From what was only supposed to be a book signing, he spoke for more than an hour and continued conversations during the book signing. We didn't get home until midnight. It was a fun little day trip to College Station.

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