There was that slim chance (~3%) that the previous blood work was inaccurate and a tiny strand of hope that it could still possibly be a girl. Well today's ultrasound put an end to that. It's now official, 100% guarantee or your money back, that it's going to be a boy. Behold, in all his glory, his balls and wiener, from an unappealing angle (bottom looking up).

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Add CommentIs this considered child pornography? I'm an aspiring teacher, I can't be caught looking at this kind of thing...
I suppose it's technically fetus pornography... which actually does make me feel much better.
oh BOY! I told Lynn today before the ultrasound that there was still a chance for a girl. I had 2 pregnancy tests tell me I wasn't pregnant when I was actually 2 months in. I guess I will be packing the boys clothes back to you guys!
You are starting your own Hogan Family. Congratulations cuz!
Haha The Hogan Family. Good call, except I plan to be in the picture more than the pilot husband.
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