I've probably made this recipe 5-10 times, each time tweaking the recipe or cooking technique. Below is the recipe for today's attempt:
1 lb pork tenderloin, sliced
3 Tbsp fish sauce
1 Tbsp minced garlic
[marinate for 30-60 mins]
2 Tbsp sugar
[in pan and heat until caramelizes]
1/2 onion, chopped
[add marinated pork and onion once sugar caramelized]
1 can Coco Rico
1 can chicken broth
5 hard boiled eggs (more or less, or none, your preference)
q.s. with water to cover meat (q.s. = quantity sufficient)
[cover and simmer for 30-60 mins]
[remove cover and reduce]
Okay, so I normally would have cooked it for a longer time but since I got a cut of tenderloin, I figured that I wouldn't need to cook it long as it's already tender. The drawback is that it didn't give enough time for the eggs to absorb the liquid and the eggs just tasted like well, eggs. I had previously made this recipe with tenderloin and cooked it for over 2 hours and the meat fell apart on contact. Depending on your preference, that could be a good or bad thing. I lean towards the latter. Next time I'll probably buy a different cut of pork. As for the liquid, I didn't reduce it that much, leaving plenty to soak the rice but it wasn't as flavorful as I'd like. (My taste buds tend to be on the saltier side.) This can easily be solved by reducing the sauce, making it more concentrate to the point where a little goes a long way. With this recipe, you can't really mess up. In all of my attempts, it pretty much tasted the same, never outright nasty.
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