Sunday, April 22, 2012


This week in pictures

It's been insanely busy but my goal is to post something, anything at least once a week. So here's what happened this past week as seen through my eyes (and a crappy cell phone camera). I went a little Instagram crazy.

Dammit. Good thing I'm not as fat as I used to be.

My diet went out the window as I tried nearly everything on this table.

'Tis the season to eat mud bugs.

A family favorite activity: hanging out at Barnes and Noble.

You have to wonder why it's so cheap but that didn't deter me. In for two.

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  1. Edwin and Lilly said... April 24, 2012 at 9:45 PM

    So proud of you for keeping up your blog! (That's something I'm failing at the moment...blogging.) By the way, I wanted to answer your good question about organic vegetables that you left on my blog post. But I'm too lazy to update my blog, so here I am leaving it in your blog's comment section. Lame huh? :)

    As for when to buy organic or not in terms of fruits: Have you heard of the "dirty dozen" and the "Clean Fifteen"? The dirty dozen are veggies that soak up pesticides like a sponge, so it's best to buy organic if possible. The "clean fifteen" are less affected by pesticides, so you don't need to buy organic (unless you want to of course!) Here's a list:

    Have a good week, cuz! ~Lilly

  2. JT said... April 25, 2012 at 11:33 PM

    Thanks for the info. Terrible to see apples and strawberries on the list. :(

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