Tuesday, September 1, 2015


First day of school

Summer break is officially over and last week was the start of the new school year. What makes it special this year is that all three boys will be going to the same school together. Tyson starts Pre-K and joins Jacob (4th grade) and Andrew (2nd grade). Of all the kids, Tyson hates school the most. He will always ask, "Do I have school tomorrow?" And when we tell him yes, he will reply "I don't wanna go to school" or "I don't like school" and he'll get really sad and/or angry. It happens on a daily basis.

Morning walk to school.

This picture was taken right before we had to go. He's trying to stay strong.

Then he breaks down as we leave. It was so incredibly sad. :(

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  1. tram said... September 3, 2015 at 12:20 AM

    OMGosh - so damn adorable!!!

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