Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Goals for 2015

It's that time already to set those new year goals. Looking back at last year's goals, I did pretty good with my goals. Well I only had four goals, one of which was the fitness challenge. I got through that one but crawled to the finish. I'll do better this year. The other two goals I did the majority of the time (goodnight kiss and finishing projects) but the goal of taking a daily picture everyday... totally didn't keep up with. So 3 out of 4. That's 75%, a solid C.

My goals for 2015:

1. Run a 7 min mile.
I've never done this before. And I'm not even sure if I'm physically capable (my knees are slowly falling apart) but it's something to shoot for.

2. Run a 5K at a 8:30 min/mi pace.
What's with all of these running goals? I hate running.

3. Goodnight kiss.
Let's keep this going. The only exception is if one of us is sick or if Lynn passes out before bedtime. Note: As I'm writing this, she's already asleep. [cue sad trombone sound]

4. Get sh*t done = more time
This will leave more time to relax. More time to do nothing and meditate. To read. To write. To spend time with each kid individually. One-on-one time is ultra rare.

5. Minimalism.
I need to get rid of all the clutter in my life. The goal is to de-clutter one area of the house at least once a week, like that random drawer in the kitchen with random junk.

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