I decided to make this after randomly seeing it on salon.com. The picture doesn't do it justice because that was all that was left before I decided to take a picture of it. Click here for the recipe.
There are so many recipes for bo luc lac and it's pretty much the same concept. Add a salty Asian sauce (oyster and/or soy sauce) and some garlic to cubed meat and cook. You really can't get it wrong.
I liked this recipe for several reasons. After I cooked it, it had a sauce to it. Normally this dish is sauce-less, besides whatever juices are coming from the meat. Or maybe I messed up but I like having saucy meat. Additionally it had a slight sweet taste too from the caramelized sugar. The recipe calls to make a lime-pepper-garlic dipping sauce but I disregarded that and just made the typical salt-pepper-lime to dip my meat. I will definitely try this again but add sliced onions.
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